VFW Post 8071 was Mustered In on September 11th, 1946. For more than 75 years proud members have served the Veterans and community of Virginia City, Nevada. In 2022 Post 8071 consolidated with Post 8660 (formerly active in Dayton, Nevada). Today Post 8071 serves the communities of Virginia City, Gold Hill, Lockwood, Mark Twain, Silver City, Mound House, Dayton, and Silver Springs, Nevada.

We have more than 200 members. A majority of our members live outside the service area, but choose this post based on our location, our activity levels, and outstanding member participation. Post 8071 is active in the local communities and has a presence at many events.

Our members represent Veterans from World War II to the Global War on Terror. Some of our members are still serving in the National Guard and Reserves.

Our meetings are often “standing room only,” and offer valuable information for members. Meetings are held on the third Saturday of each month at 1:00 PM. We meet at the Washoe Club in Virginia City. Meetings generally last one hour.

We continue to grow and welcome new members, please contact us to learn more.